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From Stylist to Mom; Celebrity Stylist Ali Levine Shares Her Incredible Journey

Describe your style in 3 words? I would have to describe my style as glamorous, boho & chic.  Who are you ideal top 5 Fashion icons? Oh wow I have so many.I absolutely love Coco Chanel as well as Oscar de la Renta. The designs I can never get enough of and they are so classic and amazing. Diane Von Furstenberg I’ve met her in person and absolutely love her and her inspiration daily.  Rachel Zoe for creating a styling platform and brand that didn’t exist before her. Last but not least, Karl Lagerfeld just a genius in the designs.

As a celebrity stylist what has been one of your most memorable experiences that impacted your life? I’ve had so many amazing experiences, but I would have to say as far as impacting my life, I’ve had a couple. One that sticks out right now is my client Brittney Palmer’s last calendar shoot we did this past summer in Alaska. Everything about it was magic. I’ve known Brittney for almost 8 years now and been styling her from the beginning of her now booming career.We are friends and work together consistently and support one another in the industry.Going to Alaska was surreal in so many ways. Styling there and getting to source looks there was a whole new experience for me and then the travel alone for our shooting locations, wow amazing!!  In the Faşhion world, what does the term “Empowering Women” mean to you? Empowering women means you give them that power and share your power with them, essentially joining powers together. It means lifting the other woman up and embracing their success and helping them and inspiring them as they inspire you. I love working with other women and feeling empowered by my own clients, and watching all these women I know just take off and be successful! It’s the greatest feeling.  When you found out you were pregnant, what was your reaction and thoughts on how that would effect your styling career?

Honestly at first I was shocked since it kind of just happened and was not planned. It took a long minute to sink in that this was really happening. Then when the shock went away, I started to become nervous about my career and how I would handle it all. But to be honest over time, I’ve seen how amazing people have been about it. They’ve been so great about my pregnancy and the next chapter in my life. Especially women and I couldn’t be more excited for this new journey!! I know it’ll be an adjustment but I’m ready for it. My baby girl is going to be the best accessory to my life, I could ever dream of!!

With just a few weeks left of your pregnancy journey, can you share some of your favorite moments? Whether it be styling or just your everyday life.

I can’t believe I’m at the end of my pregnancy. It’s so surreal. Favorite moments, in my own life definitely dressing the bump, inspiring other moms who have reached out of what to wear and try and how to be confident. I love that I have given that to other women besides had to teach myself.Styling moments would be, styling my amazing client and friend, Gretchen Rossi. She’s so excited for me and we’ve had so much fun with her looks for red carpet lately.

My gender reveal and baby shower with all my industry friends, so amazing and so much fun!Spending time with my girl & fashion bestie / designer nikki lund, I love spending time with her adorable son & I think he’s helping me prepare for mother hood. Helping style every day moms remotely with my services and in person. Love that I’ve entered a new realm to style in.The reactions to my show on Bravo, Stripped have been overall very positive and I’m glad I was able to be a part of it and still have fans reaching out to me about it and feeling like they learned something through myself & my husband, Justin. 

Your career has been so inspiring to watch. You are truly a leader and icon. As a strong woman in business and soon to be mommy can you share some encouraging words to women who desire to pursue a career of their own? Thank you so much! That’s so sweet, I feel inspired by my team and all the amazing people I have around me supporting me. I would say for encouraging words they would have to be, never give up. Always focus on your dreams and don’t let anyone ever tell you, you can’t. You can. Work hard and never lose your work ethic or passion, you need both to be successful. Learn from others and always find someone to inspire you, so you can inspire others. And as I always say “ Confidence is your best accessory” - Ali Levine. This applies to all of our lives. Own it. 

We are about empowering our women and girls. We want them to be courageous and confident in who they are. Could you leave us with your top  5 styling tips? I love that!! 5 styling tips sure! 1. Always add a pop of color. Whether in be in your heels, or your lip/ makeup!  2. A little black dress (lbd) is always a necessity  3. Always keep an accessory on you, you never know when you’ll need to dial up your look! 4.  Never lose your style, don’t follow the trends if they don’t suit you, wear what works for you, be your own trendsetter  5. Layering can be your best friend in an outfit; don’t be afraid to add a jacket or blazer, or faux fur to a simple look 

Lastly, we are so excited for you joining motherhood, could you tell us what’s next for you?

Thank you! Well of course being a mom, so excited for that and to add her in my fashion world and get to style her up!  I am launching my Ali Crew of stylists so stay tuned for that, as I become a mom and my career grows I will be expanding my business with other stylists who can help take on all these amazing jobs and clients I once did on my own. My remote styling services I’m really pushing for this spring/ summer at I can style you from anywhere, consult give advice or someone on my fashionable crew can! My jewelry line that is inspired by my daughter and designed while pregnant, with Sterling Forever - Hearts on Fire 📷📷 I hope to further promote and sell. And take to retail and boutiques. It’s near and dear to my heart. I’ve always wanted a jewelry line and other lines! So stay tuned! recent show with Celebrity Page TV - Trending with Ali I’m very excited about, so watch and tune in for more segments & exciting news there! We’ve already had so much fun with the ones I’ve already done!My podcast, Things were too Lazy to Blog about- w/ my cohost Amanda Lauren is really taking off and I’m hoping to be at a network soon! you’ll subscribe and listen! It’s a fun empowering & inspiring yet silly show that’s taken off from all our amazing guests. I’m excited for this new chapter to completely be crazy in a whole another way but learn to thrive further in the chaos of it all and really own my Mom brand & grow in my own right. 

Photos by:

Chaya Tenenbaum



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